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Emissions Gap Report 2024: the role of refrigeration in reducing emissions

pharmaceutical cooling

In October 2024, UNEP released its annual Emissions Gap report in preparation for the annual climate negotiations of MOP and COP.

This year’s report acts as a reminder of the upcoming deadline (early 2025) for countries to submit their next nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with mitigation targets for 2035.

If governments adhere only to the current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) without introducing any new commitments, the world faces the alarming prospect of global temperatures rising by as much as 2.6°C by the end of the century.

The inclusion of refrigeration and air conditioning in NDCs is essential for effectively tackling climate change. According to Global Cooling Watch report [2], the cooling emissions are approximately 2.8 gigatons of CO2 equivalent annually, a figure projected to rise significantly as global temperatures increase and demand for cooling solutions grows. By integrating energy-efficient cooling technologies – such as EnergiVault® – into NDCs, countries can achieve substantial emission reductions.

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition estimates that improving energy efficiency in cooling could reduce emissions by up to 1.5 gigatons of CO2 equivalent annually by 2030.

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If your facility uses water chillers for cooling, and you’d like to discuss how EnergiVault® can support your carbon reduction strategy, contact us for a free consultation.

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